Friday, December 31, 2010

Lunch at Maxine's

A couple days ago, I had lunch with Koala and another friend at Maxine's, a place with yummy salads and cute interior~

(My outfit for the day~)

I tried Arizona's Pomegranate Green was soo good!

After lunch, we shopped a bit, browsed a library, and said our goodbyes...a pleasant day that made me smile

I love these times with friends!

Kukememo Fruit Memos

They're the cutest things ever!

I bought a pear, and it's awesome... i don't know if i'll ever write an actual memo because i want to preserve it foreverrr.

I also got the apple and pear for Piglett along with a couple of other things.  I live with 3 lovely ladies and we all decided to do a secret santa for christmas.  I'm Piglett's if you haven't already guessed..I wonder who has me?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

David Choi

A youtube-famer

I like his new music! Hope you like it too! It's on Itunes!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Joe Hisaishi - One Summer's Day

For anyone who is cool enough to admit watching Spirited Away by Hayao Miyazaki, here is a nostalgic memory performed so beautifully by Joe Hisaishi:

Monday, December 13, 2010

Art Applique

Living in an apartment where I can't (technically) stick anything into the walls can be torturous for my interior design when I come across pretty decals, my heart sings a little :)

Check out their website! so many pretty things~ Art Applique Products

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Edible Dresses

As designers run out of ideas to be original, South Korean artist, Sung Yeonju, raises the bar by creating edible dresses as part of her "Wearable Food" Series

Bubblegum Dress

Eggplant Dress

Tomato Dress

People are so creative sometimes!
Go South Korea~

Check out more pictures here! Edible Dresses

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Red Mango Review

My very good friend and roommate, Piglet, and I have officially completed one of the largest case projects of our lives and it's time to celebrate

Our mental health day has just begun.

We decided to launch our celebration with delicious food from a Korean restaurant across the street and yogurt from Red Mango.

Red Mango = best place ever

Tastes good
You feel healthier just by walking in
It's actually healthy for you
I can get a whole cupful for like $3!!

Try Red Mango and love it too~!

First Snow

December 1 was officially hot chocolate season...

Take some time to appreciate yourself.. "happiness is the secret to all beauty - there is no beauty that is attractive without happiness." [Christian Dior]

Some ways I appreciate me~ :)
  • Take a bubble bath for some clean karma
  • Brew your favorite warm drink
  • Share a movie night with friends
  • I'm weird, but cleaning my room is like cleansing my soul
  • Sleep, sometimes the best way to tell your body, "thanks, we can relax now."
Stay beautiful and stay warm!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Couple Mugs

So cute! An idea for a couple present..
My boyfriend, I call him oppa, and I are planning on going to a pottery painting/glazing shop for our 1 year anniversary (I'm excited~!) ..maybe I'll use something similar?

I love crafts!

link: My heart to yours

Summer Frames

Or spring?
Some vintage-chic for eyes tired of cloudy grey weather.

The one below is currently my desktop background in Tile format..

i like it..~

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Recipes for Happiness

101 Bird Tales is a blog by Amelia Chritchlow who does fantastic things with visual media.

I wanted to highlight one of her posts on how to make your own book out of materials you already have in your home.

It looks fun! I want to try it someday..maybe when I'm not dragging around a workload the size of a small country.

Check it out and be inspired!
Journal Your Dreams

Whales and Strawberry pillows

I've recently become excited about DIY stuff.
What kind right now? pillows in the shapes of things
Why? Because they're super easy to make

I had some yards of purple polyester satin weave fabric (yaay textiles classes!) and decided to buy some stuffing...

and made a whale.

I'll post a picture of my finished product later.

My next goal is to make a strawberry. I was inspired by anneorshine on youtube. She's so creative!

Paper Garlands

This was my background for quite a long made my desk seem cleaner.

Cotton Bird Designs

They make so many pretty things out of paper!  Mainly for weddings, but I wouldn't mind decorating my room just for fun with a paper bird or two :)

I love clean, simple, and airy things~

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Be happy~

Our lives always seem to overflow with stress and heartache.. this picture set taken by Koala made me smile.  We go through so much work and sometimes we forget that the reason why is because we want happiness.  I should take things one step at a time..and appreciate the small things~

Think happy!

Tea Poem

The sound of trickling water,
The simmering of the kettle,
The simplicity and orderliness
The touch of the bowl and
The bitter flavour...
And you thought tea
Was just something you had a cup of.

I love this poem!  One of my favorite passions is tea and everything about tea.  It's so calming, and yet...charismatic in so many surprising ways!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Interior Design Moment

My friend, Koala, sent along these pictures of a room that I would love to replicate in my own place someday...


It's such a cool blog!  It makes me want to take pictures of food..then eat the food.

Care for a Fortune Cookie?

I was researching for a class of mine, and I randomly came across origami fortune cookies..

Too cute, if I had the paper, I would sit in my room and fold these for days.
Birthday gifts for life? yes.

A Thousand Paper Stars

Hello, world!

There's a saying.
Make a paper star
Place it in a bowl,
that's one memory, feeling, experience, moment..
it's materialized into a star.

Make 999 more,
and your greatest wish
will be granted.

I have my own bowl/jar of stars, but I'm a very visual person

That means I like pictures.

I guess I wanted to document in notes what I document in my head.

I hope you enjoy, Thanks for stopping by~